All functions |
Arrange rows by variables within a double-nested dataframe |
Arrange rows by variables within a nested dataframe |
Neighbours for locations |
Create new variables dervied from timestamp |
Extract identified home locations for users |
Return rows with matching condition within nested dataframe |
Return rows with matching conditions |
Identify home locations for users with built-in recipes |
Add new variable within a double-nested dataframe |
Add new variables within a nested dataframe |
Add new variable |
Nest within a nested dataframe |
Nest dataframe |
Calculate the proportion of categories for a variable within a nested dataframe |
recipe: Anchor Point Determining Model - APDM |
recipe: frequency - FREQ |
recipe: homelocator - HMLC |
recipe: Online Social Networks Activity - OSNA |
Remove top N percent of active users based on the frequency of data points per user |
Give a weighted value for one or more variables in a nested dataframe |
Summarises all scored columns and return one single summary score per row |
Spread a key-value pair across multiple columns |
Aggregate multiple values to a single value in a double-nested tibble |
Aggregate multiple values to a single value within a nested tibble |
Tweets sent by 100 random users |
Select top n rows by certain value |
Unnest within a double-nested dataframe |
Unnest within a nested dataframe |
Unnest dataframe |
Validate input dataset |